What would you like to see on this blog?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hi! Well, today is as they say, another day. Do you ever wonder who "they" are? I do. I imagine "they" are a bunch of smart people locked in a small dark room for hours on end, being forced to decide all the things we "ordinary" people can't be allowed or trusted to decide for ourselves, they must also create adages and cute quips and a million other things, so there must be a whole lot of them.  The reason I think they're locked in is, because no matter how many people you know, you never meet one!  lol. 
Anyway on my agenda for today is to clean up my studio and find homes for a bunch of new stuff I've gotten recently. I also have4 projects already started, but not finished, so time permitting I should work on one or two of those.  It's also my night to make dinner,  and I have absolutely NO idea what to make...maybe I'll go with the leftover chili my son made last night!! 
The projects I have going right now include, a set of greeting cards for my adopted daughter ,
a framed scrapbook page for a friend who visited from California recently, a canvas with a 3-D painting and leafing process being applied, a baby sweater I'm knitting, and a knitting in the round experiment I started. Maybe once I get the studio all nice and clean, I'll try to post a couple of pics of my workspace.  
Ok so that's my day, thus far but before I go I have a question for you ........
what would YOU like to see on this blog?

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